Evaluasi ketercapaian PLO pada semester ganjil tahun akademik 2019/2020, digambarkan oleh beberapa mata kuliah, sesuai tabel 6.1
Tabel 6.1 Mata Kuliah yang Menggambarkan Pengukuran Ketercapaian PLO tahun akademik 2019/2020
No | PLO | Mata Kuliah |
1 | PLO-1 | MK-06 Kimia Dasar 1 MK-23 Teori Dasar Kimia Anorganik MK-27 Kimia Koordinasi MK-44 Metabolisme dan Informasi Genetik MK-85 Kimia Sekolah |
2 | PLO-2 | MK-76 Teori Belajar MK-87 Manajemen Sekolah MK-77 Asesmen MK-85 Kimia Sekolah MK-89 Pembelajaran Kimia SMK |
3 | PLO-3 | MK-06 Kimia Dasar 1 MK-10 Kimia Analitik Kualitatif MK-20 Kimia Analitik Kuantitatif MK-21 Organisasi Laboratorium MK-45 Praktikum Kimia Anorganik |
4 | PLO-4 | MK-88 Pembelajaran Kimia berbasis ICT MK-83 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kreatif MK-91 Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian |
5 | PLO-5 | MK-28 Kinetika Kimia MK-24 Termodinamika Kimia MK-37 Metodologi Penelitian MK-20 Kimia Analitik Kuantitatif MK-26 Kimia Inti dan Radioaktif |
6 | PLO-6 | MK-09 Bahasa Inggris unntuk Kimia MK-13 KSDAL MK-29 Praktikum Kimia Organik MK-31 Statistik Dasar MK-46 Seminar |
7 | PLO-7 | MK-21 Organisasi Laboratorium MK-34 Kewirausahaan MK-41 Kimia Industri MK-45 Praktikum Kimia Anorganik MK-47 Kimia Pangan |
8 | PLO-8 | MK-10 Kimia Analitik Kualitatif MK-31 Statistik Dasar MK-34 Kewirausahaan MK-35 Kimia Permukaan MK-48 Pengembanagn Karir |
The Undergraduate Programme of Chemistry Education hasfour types of learning outcomes, namely knowledge, skills, competencies,attitudes and social. The types of learning outcame measurements are presentedin table 6.2.
Tabel 6.2 Pengukuran Outcome
No | Outcome | PLO | TIPE EVALUASI |
1 | Knowledge | PLO-1 PLO-2 | Ujian dan Penugasan |
2 | Skill | PLO-3 PLO-4 | Psychomotor instruments for operating chemical equipment skills Learning instruments for learning skills |
3 | Competencies | PLO-5 PLO-6 | HOTS questions, Project, article rubric for communication assessment |
4 | Attitude and Social | PLO-7 PLO-8 | Observational instrument, Presentation rubric for assessment of oral communication |
From thelearning and assessments that have been done, the achievement of each aspect ofthe PLO is obtained. The achievement of this PLO is used by UPCE as materialfor self-evaluation in the implementation of learning and implementation oflecture evaluations that support these aspects of the PLO. The achievements ofeach PLO are presented in Figure 6.5 to Figure 6.12
Figure 6.5 Achievement of the PLO-1 Undergraduate Programme of ChemistryEducation towards the subject
Figure 6.6 Achievement of the PLO-2 UndergraduateProgramme of Chemistry Education towards the subjectchievement of the PLO-2 UndergraduateProgramme of Chemistry Education towards the subject
Figure 6.9 Achievement of the PLO-5 Undergraduate Programme of ChemistryEducation towards the subject
Figure 6.10 Achievement of the PLO-6 Undergraduate Programme of ChemistryEducation towards the subject
Figure 6.11 Achievement of the PLO-7 Undergraduate Programme of ChemistryEducation towards the subject
Figure 6.12 Achievement of the PLO-8 Undergraduate Programme of ChemistryEducation towards the subject